Keep Them Sharp! Fun Math Websites for Kids

If you’re like us, we’re always looking for effective ways to help our children excel academically while still enjoying the process. Online math games (and other educational games) are always a sure way to achieve that goal!  Our guiding rule when picking fun math games for kids is whether we, ourselves, become addicted when trying them out.  Here are our faves!

Math Playground

IXL Math

Math Man

Cool Math

Let us know your faves!

Happy mathing!
Your Team 


The Nanny Cam Question: To Cam or Not to Cam?

It’s always a big question. Should we use a nanny cam or not? The answer can be different for different families.

In-home surveillance devices, often referred to as “Nanny Cams” or “Granny Cams” (for seniors being cared for) can be used as a valuable tool for BOTH family and caregiver.

The cameras can either be hidden or out in the open. Most hidden cams are wireless and can come in the form of anything from a clock radio to a stuffed animal or they can be small cameras hidden throughout the household. Prices range anywhere from about $50 for basic functionality to up to $500 for digital systems that offer live video feeds to your mobile device or computer.

So when presented with the nanny cam question, we always recommend that a family do what they are most comfortable doing, but always remind them that if having a nanny cam would make them more comfortable, then they should base their decision on THAT comfort level rather than any discomfort they may face when discussing the issue with potential (or existing) caregivers.

Here are a few things to consider when considering whether or not to use a nanny cam:

  • Age of the child/senior.  If a caregiver will be caring for someone who can not talk or reliably communicate such as very young children, special needs children, or in some cases very elderly seniors, nanny cams can offer valuable confirmation of quality caregiving, help identify any issues or concerns, or just help identify simple adjustments that you may prefer take place.
  • Make it a positive.  The use of a nanny cam can be a positive thing for all involved. Let your caregiver know you’d like to use it so you don’t miss precious milestones, allow the video feeds to be shared with distant grandparents, allow you to “be there” during the day when you can’t physically be there, or whatever scenario applies. You can even solicit the caregiver’s involvement by asking her to showcase milestones into “one of” the cameras in particular (without divulging the location –or existence– of any other cameras if they are hidden). Many caregivers embrace the use of a nanny cam so the family can see how well they do at their job!
  • The cam factor.  Keep in mind that one of the main benefits of having a nanny cam is that the caregiver knows about it. The presence of one adds extra incentive to give the best care possible. It’s presence also adds to the peace of mind of the family, knowing they have that extra pair of “eyes” constantly on duty.
  • Red flags.  If you plan to utilize a nanny cam, be sure to discuss this with potential candidates during the interview process (making sure to be clear that they are never placed in any private areas–e.g., bathrooms). Take note of candidates’ reactions. Discomfort from a candidate can be a red flag. Quality caregivers who have nothing to hide typically have no problems with nanny cams.
  • Legal?  It IS legal in all 50 United States to utilize hidden cameras (video) in the home, so long as they are not in private places [e.g., bathrooms, caregivers' private bedrooms (for live-in), etc.]  It is NOT, however, legal to record audio without a person’s consent in the following states: CA, CT, FL, IL, MD, MA, MT, NV, NH, OR, PA, and WA.  And regardless of the state, it is almost always illegal to record a conversation to which you are not a party, do not have consent to tape, and could not naturally overhear.  In general, we recommend consulting with an attorney before recording audio.
  • Other uses.  Nanny cams are also great for surveilling your home when you’re away on vacation, monitoring your home when it’s being cleaned or repaired, etc.

We’ve heard from many families who have chosen to utilize a cam and many who have not. In a nutshell, families should do what is right for their family and makes them most comfortable.

Do you use a nanny cam? What have you experienced? Share your thoughts! 

Schools Out–You’re Not. Benefits of Seasonal Nannies for Winter Break

With December upon us, things can start to get overwhelming –  holiday parties, Christmas shopping, holiday cooking, planning for special events, traveling and more. While children have the joy of looking forward to their winter break, working parents are faced with another task – finding seasonal childcare. To help kill two birds with one stone, savvy families are hiring full-time, seasonal Nannies.


Seasonal nannies are caregivers who take on short term positions for the holiday season. They can be college students or teachers who are looking to earn some money over their

winter break, or currently unemployed nannies that are happy to take on a short term assignment while they continue to look for something more long term. Either way, seasonal nannies can help alleviate many of the holiday stresses for parents. Not only do they offer a solution to childcare, but they can easily take on extra tasks like running errands, assisting with holiday shopping, helping prep or cook holiday meals, and more. Additionally, seasonal nannies often offer evening or off-hour babysitting, allowing parents to attend holiday parties, get some holiday shopping done, or just taking a much needed night off.

Post your Seasonal Nanny Job on
GoNannies has thousands of nannies from which to choose. To find a great nanny, be sure to post your job right away before the good nannies are all booked up. And remember, paid GoNannies members have free access to background checks and online references to help make your screening easier. Run a free SEARCH NOW to view the profiles of Nannies near you!

Do you have other great suggestions for families looking for temporary care? Please share 


Congratulations to INA Nanny of the Year, Greta Schraer

Congratulations to Greta Schraer of Batavia, OH, recipient of the 2010 INA Nanny of the year award. 

Greta has both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in Theology. She began her nanny career in 1992, working as a full time, part time, temporary and summer nanny over those years. As a nanny in the Cincinnati area, Greta found that there was a need for the nannies in the area to feel connected and so she began CincyNanny, a website and blog giving the local nannies their own community and families resources they can use.

Greta’s current position is as the full time nanny of triplet boys. Jessica Shelly said, “She makes it a priority to see that not just the boys are taken care of, but that our family unit is supported and encouraged.” Their family has an inside joke – when a challenging situation arises they think WWGD? or What Would Greta Do?

Wow! What a Nanny! CNN Hero, Marie Da Silva

Do you know anyone who feeds 320 children using their nanny salary?  I do!

I’m so excited to announce that GoNannies has joined forces with Nanny Marie Da Silva, CNN Hero and Founder of The Jacaranda Foundation to help feed and educate AIDS-orphaned children in Malawi, Africa.

Last year, Da Silva continued to donate about 30% of her nanny salary and rallied 11 of her fellow nannies who each pledged $10/month to The Foundation.   Because the donations are used to directly feed and educate the children, those $10/month contributions were able to provide food and supplies for 30 children for a full year.  During that year, the school has grown to over 300 students and includes a secondary school, necessary text books, better trained teachers and more.  The school is also proud to be seeing  their first graduates go on to college!

GoNannies is so proud to help support the Jacaranda Foundation and invite our nannies, families, and all other caregivers to help make a difference.  Nannies can visit the Jacaranda Foundation website HERE to join our joint “GoNannies for Jacaranda” $1 per month campaign to help feed and educate these amazing children.  Families and other caregivers can show their support by making a donation or pledge on the Foundation’s How To Help page.  And remember, even a small donation makes a difference…after all, this foundation started with just one nanny! 

Marie is a shining example that we can all pitch in to make a difference.  I encourage you to view the CNN Heroes segment to see what amazing work Marie and the Foundation are doing and to see why she’s such an inspiration to me and so many others!