New York Domestic Workers’ Bill of Rights

Today is a huge step and victory for nannies and other household employees in the State of New York. That’s because the Domestic Workers’ Bill of Rights in New York takes effect today, November 29, 2010. Per the New York Department of Labor, among other benefits, the new law will entitle nannies and other domestic employees with the following rights:


  • The right to overtime pay at time-and-a-half after 40 hours of work in a week, or 44 hours for workers who live in their employer’s home;
  • A day of rest (24 hours) every seven days, or overtime pay if they agree to work on that day;
  • Three paid days of rest each year after one year of work for the same employer; and
  • Protection under New York State Human Rights Law, and the creation of a special cause of action for domestic workers who suffer sexual or racial harassment.

For full details on the Domestic Workers’ Bill of Rights, please visit the website for the New York Dept. of Labor.

The State of New York is the first state to pass such a bill into law. Should other states follow in New York’s footsteps? What are your thoughts?