21 Blogs Celebrating Moms with the Best Poems and Sayings

As Mother’s Day approaches, you may find yourself in need of a sentimental poem or quote about Mom. From card-making to reciting a few favorite lines at Sunday brunch, these quotes can add just the right touch of sentiment to your mom’s day. Still looking for the perfect gift for mom?  Print a favorite quote on linen paper and place it in a decorated frame, or stitch the quote onto a pillow for a fun keepsake. If you need a little help putting your affections for Mom into words, check out these 21 blogs.


No one can deny that moms hold a special place in their children’s hearts, whether you talk to your mom every day or only manage to see her a few times a year. Mother’s Day is a day of celebration, allowing you to honor the women in your life who have fulfilled the role of mom, biological or otherwise. These seven blog articles contain poems that can be used to bring a tear to mom’s eye on Mother’s Day.


What grandmother doesn’t cherish a handmade card from her grandchild? If you’re looking for a little poetic inspiration for your Mother’s Day gift for Gran, check out these seven blog posts.


Sometimes a quote is all that is needed to finish a project or a card in the perfect way.  People love to receive poems and quotes that capture the moment perfectly.  Since not everyone is a poet or a writer, these bloggers have compiled lists of famous and not-so-famous quotes and sayings about mothers for you to use.  Check out these seven blog entries to find just the right quote.

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