10 iPhone Applications Nannies Can Use to Track Hours

Under the Fair Labor Standards Act, even a salaried nanny’s wages must translate to at least minimum wage, which makes tracking the hours a nanny has worked imperative. Private, in-home childcare providers that are paid an hourly wage have an even greater need to track their billable hours, in order to ensure that they are paid fairly for the time that they work each week. In today’s modern age, nannies and their employers are no longer forced to rely upon handwritten time sheets to calculate the number of hours worked each week; the incredibly popular Apple iPhone has several apps available in the App Store to keep such information at the tip of a nanny’s fingers.

  1. Easy TimeSheet – Easy TimeSheet is available in the App Store for $2.99, and allows users to track the hours of every work day, even while the application is closed. As an added bonus, users can email projects and time entries to any email address in .CSV format, making sharing billable hours information with your employer a breeze.
  2. iTimeSheet – Sold in the App Store for $5.99, iTimeSheet is a pricier option for tracking hours worked, allowing users to access archived information with a touch of the screen. There are several features that may be superfluous for nannies, however.
  3. WorkTimer – WorkTimer is a $0.99 app that allows a nanny to track the hours she’s worked as the application runs in the background, and also to adjust data in the event that she forgets to clock in or out. There’s also a back-up option that stores data in the cloud via Dropbox.
  4. Timely – In addition to tracking billable hours, this $0.99 app will allow nannies to see their wages adding up in real-time; this motivational feature can certainly come in handy on high-pressure, stressful days. You can also track overtime earnings and access archived data for reference.
  5. HoursTracker – Deemed the “Best Time Tracking App For iPhone” by Lifehacker, the $3.99 HoursTracker app is an intuitive, easy-to-use offering that continues to track hours even when your phone is powered down. With overtime and double-overtime support, HoursTracker is a great choice for tech-savvy nannies.
  6. Bill4Time Mobile – Bill4Time is a free app that acts as an add-on to the Bill4Time.com website; users of the web application can track hours through their iPhones with minimal effort. The web service does charge an operating fee, however.
  7. PunchClock – Available for $0.99 in the App Store, PunchClock makes tracking hours and sending .XML format reports to your employer the work of a moment. Very simple, with no bells and whistles, PunchClock does just what it’s intended to.
  8. TimeWerks – While the full version of TimeWerks is $2.99 in the App Store, there is a free offering called TimeWerks Lite that may suffice for nannies who don’t typically have a need to track hours for multiple clients. The app allows you to print or email data in .HTML or .PDF format, as well as track expenses.
  9. TimeCard Pro – Purchasing TimeCard Pro once allows you to use the app on your iPad as well as your iPhone, making it even easier to track the number of hours you’ve worked each day, week, and month. The “QuickContact” option also makes quick work of connecting with your employers via their contact information in your phone.
  10. TimeClock ST – TimeClock ST is the most expensive option on the list, and is a hefty $8.99 in the App Store. The app does allow multiple devices to access a single account, so your employers can also track your hours in real time. There are expansions available to increase the app’s functionality even further, but they’re probably unnecessary for nannies.

Regardless of what app you use to track your hours, it’s important for your own finances, and those of your employers, that you keep meticulous records each day; even if you’re a salaried employer, being able to access and accurately track your billable hours is essential. It’s also required by law that nanny employers keep accurate payroll records that include the hours that the nanny has worked. These iPhone apps make compliance to that law easy.

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5 thoughts on “10 iPhone Applications Nannies Can Use to Track Hours

  1. I guess I’ve been living in the dark ages because we still print out time sheets that i fill out every week! Myabe I’ll mention some of these apps to my boss and see if she thinks we should switch, haha! Probably easier to use then what we’re doing now!

    • I use TimeClock ST, but I also have several employees which makes it worth the price. I don’t know that I’d recommend it if you have just one employee. If you have a household of employees though, it’s great!

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