10 Essentials Parents Should Include in Their Online Nanny Job Profile

Online nanny sites are an inexpensive and effective way to find a qualified nanny. However, they can also be time consuming because one job profile can attract the attention of many caregivers. A well written family profile can not only help you find the right nanny, it can save you lots of time during your searching and screening process. By including key pieces of information, your profile will act as a self-screening tool. Nannies don’t generally reply to profiles that aren’t a good fit to what they’re looking for or what they offer. It’s a good idea to include the following in your profile:

  1. The ages of your children. Some nannies are open to any age, but most nannies have a preference as to the age of the children they care for. Some love babies, while others prefer the toddler set, and others enjoy school-age children. In your profile, list the ages of your children, if they’re a boy or a girl, and also if you’re planning on having or adopting another child in the near future.
  2. A little bit about your child’s personality. Giving some details about what your child is like, what she enjoys doing and what she struggles with is a wonderful way to personally connect with the caregivers reading your profile. Often a brief description will spark a nanny’s interest and be the thing that makes her reach out to your family.
  3. Any responsibilities that are outside the normal nanny duties. Nannies expect to take on typical nanny duties, like feeding your child healthy meals and snacks, doing the children’s laundry, keeping the play room tidy, and any other tasks related directly to the care of the children. However, if your job includes extra duties, such as cooking family meals, grocery shopping, taking care of the pets, or running errands, it’s important to include those in your profile. It helps nannies know if your job is one they want to pursue.
  4. The hourly rate or salary you’re paying. This is one of the first things nannies will look for, not because they only care about money, but because they want to make sure you’re in the same money ballpark they’re in. If you’re paying your nanny legally (and it’s always a good idea to!), include the term “gross wages” in your description. This will let nannies know that you’ll be withholding taxes and the amount they’ll bring home is less than what’s stated.
  5. What you’re looking for in a nanny. Are you looking for a nanny with at least two years of infant experience? Is it important to you that your nanny have a college degree? Do you only want to talk to caregivers that love the outdoors and enjoy hiking and biking? Talking about what you’re specifically looking for in your profile will help nannies know if they’re a good fit to your needs.
  6. A brief overview of your discipline philosophy. Being aligned with your nanny regarding discipline issues is an important part of a successful relationship. Share with potential candidates how you approach setting boundaries, handling challenging behaviors, and communicating your wishes to your children.
  7. Important information about the work environment. Every nanny has different preferences about the household she works in. By telling applicants that you’re a stay-at-home mom, that your mother-in-law lives with you, or that the house is under major construction you’ll give them the information they need to decide if your household is one they’ll be comfortable working in.
  8. If you’re hiring a live-in, a description of the living quarters. The living space provided by a family is a deciding factor for live-in nannies. Make sure you include what rooms the living quarters include (e.g. private bedroom, kitchenette), if any of those rooms are shared by other members of the household or guests, and if there’s a separate entrance from the nanny’s quarters to the outdoors.
  9. Include any pets you have. Some nannies love pets and look for them in a job. Other nannies either don’t like animals or have allergies that make working with dogs and/or cats difficult. It’s best to let nannies know about all pets you have in advance so there are no game-changing surprises later on in the process.
  10. Some examples of the things you’d like your nanny to do with your child. Giving nannies a sampling of the type of activities you’d like to see your child involved in gives her a clearer picture of what your needs are, what your child enjoys and what her day-to-day job would look like. Be sure to state if your nanny will be expected to drive your child to and from outings.

With a well written profile that is rich in details, you’ll greatly increase your chances of finding a good match for your family in a short amount of time.

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