If you’re like us, we’re always looking for effective ways to help our children excel academically while still enjoying the process. Online math games (and other educational games) are always a sure way to achieve that goal! Our guiding rule when picking fun math games for kids is whether we, ourselves, become addicted when trying them out. Here are our faves!
Math Playground
IXL Math
Math Man
Cool Math
Let us know your faves!
Happy mathing!
Your GoNannies.com Team
Ah this is perfect! My son has been struggling with math in school, maybe these will do the trick!
We love learninggames4kids.com at our house – my kids are on that site all the time. And really, what mom can say no to educational games?
We use FunBrain and LearningGames4Kids, but I haven’t heard of the rest – will definitely be checking them out with the kiddos tonight.
http://www.primarygames.com/math.php and http://pbskids.org/games/math/ are two sites we use a lot!
Love mathplayground.com!! And I second the pbskids site – that one has a lot of great educational games on it!