International Women’s Day: Life (and Work) Lessons Every Woman Should Learn

In the wake of this year’s 100 Year anniversary of International Women’s Day, we wanted to share a story of the way one woman lived her life that moved us and helped us realize what’s important (and not so important) in this life that has become so hectic, and often unfocused.  We hope you enjoy the story as much as we did!

Excerpted from Arianna Huffington’s Blog: International Women’s Day: Life (and Work) Lessons Every Woman Should Learn

“…The night before she died, we were having dinner at the home of some good friends. Near the end of the evening, our host asked everyone to talk about an important experience from their lives. When my mother’s turn came, she talked about a moment that not only defined her but how she believed life should be lived. It was a moment during the Greek civil war, in the 1940s, when she was working with the Greek Red Cross and fled to the mountains with two Jewish girls.

She described the night when German soldiers arrived at their cabin and started to shoot, threatening to kill everyone if the group did not surrender the Jews the Germans suspected (rightly) they were hiding. My mother, who spoke fluent German, stood up and told them categorically that there were no Jews in their midst and to put down their guns. And then she watched the German soldiers lower their guns and walk away.

That story — which ended up being the last one she told in her life — really captured her: her indomitable spirit, her defiance of authority, her trust in life, her fearlessness.

There was a magnificence in the way she approached everything in her life. Especially her role as a mother. She brought me up to believe that there was nothing I should be afraid to try while at the same time making it clear that she would love me not one iota less if I failed.

She used to say that the goal of life is not to see what we can make of it, but what it can make of us. Well, she made of life a grand adventure — and it made of her a magnificent tour guide.”

[Read Full Story...]

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8 thoughts on “International Women’s Day: Life (and Work) Lessons Every Woman Should Learn

  1. I read this article when it was published and loved it then and love it again now. What a powerful message and a great role model!

  2. Wow. What a story. The strength that embodies this woman’s mother is incredible, and something worth looking up to – something we should teach our daughters more of. Thank you for sharing!

  3. The other posts that the author links to at the bottom of her post (on the Huffington Post site) were equally compelling – if you have a chance to check them out it’s well worth the time! :)

  4. “She used to say that the goal of life is not to see what we can make of it, but what it can make of us. Well, she made of life a grand adventure — and it made of her a magnificent tour guide.” LOVE this. we only have one life to live, so we need to take advantage of it! thanks for sharing!

  5. I love that the focus of this International Women’s Day this year was on work. I know the topic has been gaining coverage in recent years, but it’s one that still desperately needs more attention. Hopefully by sharing stories like these we can find a better balance with women and the workplace.

    • Speaking of women and the workplace, I think one of the ways we can help further each other in the workplace to view one another as comrades, not competitors. So often women see their female peers as people not to be trusted for fear that the other person will get the promotion, and we end up mistrusting other women instead of helping each other rise in ranks. By working together we have an opportunity to help further ALL women in the workplace. Let’s help each other!

      • This is such a great point and something I’ve noticed as well. While competition in the workplace will always be a constant, we can try to help our fellow females while we help ourselves.

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