All job information and job descriptions are offered as guidelines to help you understand the general responsibilities for each type of domestic position listed on Please note that every family's job is unique and each position may have different responsibilities. The specific duties and responsibilities of each position should be discussed during the interview process, confirmed upon the extension of a job offer and reaffirmed in a written work agreement.
Description - Many families seek a place to take their children that combines the benefits of having personalized attention given to their children in a home-setting at a cost that is in line with daycare. This is where licensed in-home childcare or family daycare comes in. Licensed in-home childcare programs run by a caretaker who is licensed by the state that they do business in and is regulated by their childcare laws and regulations. With in-home daycare, the care is offered in the provider rather than the children’s home.
Typical Rates -
Licensed in-home childcare and family daycare businesses typically charge rates that are comparable to or below daycare rates in their area and will typically encourage unannounced visits to learn more about their care and facility. Families are encouraged to
SEARCH our database for FREE to see the rates requested by candidates registered on our site.
How to find Licensed In-Home Childcare using
- Families may
SEARCH our database for FREE to preview the resumes of candidates who meet their criteria.
To gain access to candidates' contact information, the families may REGISTER and then contact the
candidates directly to begin their screening and hiring process
[LEARN MORE]. All rates and responsibilities
should be discussed and confirmed directly between families and candidates.